Sunday, September 13, 2009


Behold! Finally! I cut my hair! But only the fringe. I can't stand to cut my hair because my primary school was full of darkness being fully 6 years living with short hair. Trully, short hair doesn't fit me. Urgh... I hate short hair. It's not because of i don't like the styles, just, they don't look good on me. Sometimes, I will also think of nice short hair styles. but short hair made my face looks fat. That's why I love long hair better. Meanwhile, I think long hair looks more elegant, I suppose. More like a female. By the way, I'm glad My secondary school let us keep our hair only if we tie up them. If they don't... my life just can't go on anymore... Ha ha... Just kidding. No one will go to die only because of their precious hair bieng cut. For me, my hair is precious to me. But still, not the most.